In the day-to-day rush of attempting to get things accomplished, this blog has suffered from some serious neglect.
There have been developments in the SALC here at ELI. We had our first successful Karaoke event - thanks to lots of participation and encouragement from our singing teachers. Another Karaoke day is planned for this Friday, so I am hoping for even more attendance.
Book club has been going well, but still seems unable to generate more than a few participants. Those participants find it incredibly helpful, but trying to find a time when everyone is available has proven to be quite a challenge.
The course objectives database, which is searchable by class and type of objective, is progressing nicely. When demonstrated at the faculty meeting ,teachers seemed to be interested in this as a teaching tool, and I have received several links from teachers since then pointing me to some great online resources.
As my desire to learn more about the technology that is available for English Language Learners grows, so does my understanding that I really need to find a good professional organization to join - I am planning to do a bit of research and perhaps join IALLT.
Lots to think about, and even more to do....